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Judge films on originality, creativity, plot, pacing, structure, characters, cinematography and entertainment value, as well as on effectiveness of the healthcare message and the film maker’s potential to reach an audience.


ORIGINALITY: The uniqueness and originality of the premise or story.
CREATIVITY : The effective use of imagination as evidenced in the entry.
STORY : The actions, events, conflicts, and turning points that propel the story forward. How the story unfolds.
PACING AND STRUCTURE : The timing of the action, unfolding of plot elements and character development. The framework of the film or script. Effective use of three-act, odyssey, linear or non-linear story progression.
CASTING : The actions, events, conflicts, and turning personalities that are distinctive, compelling, multi-layered, and unpredictable. A protagonist and antagonist with clear and active goals.oints that propel the story forward. How the story unfolds.
CINEMATOGRAPHY : The quality of cinematography or videography demonstrated in the work.
SOUND QUALITY : Is the dialogue clear and not hindered by any noise or music score.
EDITING : Does the editing of the film carry the message forward in a meaningful way?
ENGAGEMENT VALUE : Does the story keep the viewer's or reader's attention?  It is fun, engaging, or thought provoking?


MESSAGE EFFECTIVENESS : Does the film clearly depict the message of the condition or disease state it represents. Is the condition or disease state clearly identified and is the message it sends effective?
CALL TO ACTION : Does the film create a desire in the viewer to make a change, spread the message further or take a call to action?
EDUCATIONAL ELEMENTS : Does the film create a desire in the viewer to make a change, spread the message further or taking a call to action.
TARGET AUDIENCE : Is the audience for the topic clearly defined?
PATIENT ADVOCACY : Does it provide a meaningful message on behalf of patients with the condition?
Would you consider judging future events?

Thanks for judging!

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